January, the first month of the year, brings with it the first full moon of this 2023 -of the 13 that there will be in total throughout this year-, which also acquired a certain magical aura since it is known as the ‘wolf moon‘.

It is the first full moon that takes place this year, and is also known as ‘Ice Moon’, ‘Cold Moon’ or ‘Old Moon’.

The ‘wolf moon’

There are several stories that explain why the first full moon of the year has been baptized with this name. According to legend, some tribes of the United States they called it with this name because its appearance made all the wolves will howl, fascinated by the aspect of the satellite, with which these animals have a great connection. It is also because at this time the wolves communicate with louder howls.

However, another not so mystical explanation is that during this cold season the animals howl in despair at the food shortage. Hence, it is known as the ‘ice moon’ or ‘cold moon’.


The full moon of the month of January 2023 arrives this Saturday, the 7th, the day after Kings. In Spain it will reach its maximum point at 00.08 in the morning. At this time, the moon will reach its brightest.

However, from the 5th approximately the lunar disk will have a full appearance to the naked eye, coinciding with the arrival of the Kings.

Full moons, and all moons in general, are very bright. That is why, weather permitting, a simple view can be seen.


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The full moon in January will be the first of two micromoons of this year. For the observed, this means that the moon will be seen slightly smaller and less bright than a normal full moon.

A micromoon takes place near the heyday, the furthest point from Earth. In particular, the full moon in January will be approximately 405,789 kilometers away.