A proposal by the French government put the pension age at the global level into debate. The President’s Team Emmanuel Macron can increase the pension age from 62 to 64 years.

(Read: ‘Unsustainable’ and other objections to the pension reform project).

Actually in Colombia men retire at 62 and women at 57. This places it as the fourth country with the lowest age to retire in Latin America. It also implies that to retire in other countries the situation is more complex. This is also influenced by the minimum years of contribution.

Regarding the region, Venezuela is the country with the lowest pension ages: from 55 to 60 years. Then there is Uruguay with 60 and 65 years and Paraguay where people of both genders retire at 60 years.

(Also: Pension funds have invested in infrastructure under the law.)

In contrast, in countries like Cuba, Argentina, Brazil and Chile the pension age for men is 65 years and for women 60 years. As for Ecuador, Peru and Mexico, retirement for both men and women is at 65 years of age.

The highest and lowest pension age in the world

However, according to the list of the International Social Security Association, ISSA, with figures up to 2019, lThe lowest pension age in the world is 50 years. This is the case in countries like Eswatini, Malawi, Nigeria, Solomon Islands and Sri Lanka for women.

By contrast, Lesotho, in southern Africa, has the highest pension age in the world at 70 for men and women. Just like it is Israel where it is 70 years old for men and 68 years old for women.

(See: Travel rates will not rise in 2023, informed by the Government).

In the rest of the countries the average is above 56 years and a maximum of 65 years.