The sketch comedy series only ran for two main seasons on Comedy Central (a third premiered as The Lost Episodes), but the legacy of Chappelle’s show he lives off of his residency at Netflix and other streamers. It is time for Netflix, however, it seems to be ready, although both seasons are leaving in July 2023.
The initial addition of Chappelle’s Show to Netflix sparked controversy that led to the show being pulled. As you may recall, Dave Chappelle released a video detailing how his ability to earn money from Chappelle’s Show was taken away. He took the opportunity to implore Netflix to pull the show to which they committed.
The show was temporarily removed from Netflix following the dispute and after a renegotiated deal was launched between ViacomCBS (now Paramount) which made the show not only headed to Netflix in the US, but also to Netflix in most regions of the world.
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So, to summarize the timeline, Netflix in the United States picked up seasons 1 and 2 on November 1, 2020. It was there for 24 days before being removed (along with the Chappelle video release) and was finally added back (along with a Dave Chappelle’s second video) on February 12, 2021.
Netflix in international regions picked up seasons 1 and 2 on March 1, 2023.
The show presented at the Netflix’s Top 10 in a handful of countries, including the United States and Australia. In the US, the show is currently on both Netflix and Paramount+, but it also ran on HBO Max for a period of time.
Now, just over two years since Netflix acquired the streaming rights, they are now available and the show is due to go. A takedown notice is now showing (and Netflix confirmed via press release) that both seasons are set to leave Netflix.
The takedown notice states that its «Last Day to Watch on Netflix» is June 30, with the show’s actual removal scheduled for July 1.
Assuming the show isn’t renewed, there’s still plenty of Dave Chappelle left on Netflix with his many stand-up specials, including Equanimity and The Bird Revelation, Sticks & Stones, and the most recentThe closer.
Netflix also has a host of other sketch comedies to watch, including all three seasons (in the US) of Documentary Now! and our favourite, I think you should go with Tim Robinson.
You’ll get lost? Chappelle’s show when does netflix come out? Let us know in the comments below.