The next Tuesday, June 20, the deadline for the almost 4 million drivers who must renew their driver’s license will expire. The date given by the Constitutional Court to carry out this procedure is approaching and there are thousands of people who report problems at the service points.

(It may be of interest to you: There are still more than four million licenses to renew).

In the last few hours, it was learned that there was chaos in the Supercade on 13th Street due to a possible «vulneration of the appointment system.» According to the report of several users, about 700 people arrived at this point to be attended at the same time, which will eliminate disorder within the entity’s facilities and will affect mobility in the sector.

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Who has to renew the driver’s license?

The drivers who must carry out the renewal process are those for whom the driver’s license expired between January 1 and 31, 2022, if you do not specify the expiration date on the back or it says ‘indefinite’.

The Ministry of Transportation estimates that there are around 5 million citizens who must carry out this process in Colombia and according to the data provided by the RUNT (Unique National Traffic Registry), only 554 thousand people carried out this process until May 17. .

(You may also be interested in: Chaos in Bogotá’s Supercade due to «possible violation of the appointment system»).

Remember that you must renew the pass if it has an expiration date between January 1 and 31, 2022.


Jaime Moreno / Archive EL TIEMPO

It should be remembered that the Law 2161 of 2021 granted an additional term to drivers that they had not been able to do this procedure. Congress discovered this law that allowed drivers to drive their vehicles with their license expired for up to two years.

However, the Court reduced this period to only one year, so you must take into account if your driver’s license expired in the mentioned period, because As of June 20, you will not be able to circulate on the roads of the country with an expired license.

Also, it should be clarified that people who are not covered by Law 2161 they must renew the driver’s license according to the date indicated on the document on the back. To consult more details about the renewal, you can enter the page

If you are surprised by a vehicle with an expired license being driven, keep in mind that the transit authority may impose a comparison of 309,336 pesos and will proceed to immobilize your car, motorcycle, among others.

What can you do if your license is expired or nearing its expiration date?

According to official information from the Ministry of Transport, you must follow the steps below to carry out the license renewal.

(Read here: Step by step to renew your driver’s license before the June 20 deadline).

1. Approach a Driver Recognition Center (CRC) and schedule an appointment to perform the physical-mental and motor coordination exams to drive.

2. Not have fines or traffic violations.

3. At the time of meeting the appointment you must carry the original identity document and have time availability. At the end of this process, the information will be automatically uploaded to the Runt platform.

4. Schedule a prior appointment at the transit agency of your city or municipality
to renew your driver’s license.

5. Pay the stipulated values.

This document is essential to drive.


Oscar Bernal. WEATHER Archive

Keep in mind that the value of this procedure in the transit agency may vary, depending on the prices set by the Departmental Assemblies, Municipal or District Councils of the country.


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